Thursday, May 28, 2009

Morning Hustle or Hassle?

What a crazy morning!! I've been getting up late due to my nightly midnight appointment (Sex and the City on the CW & TBS--my guilty pleasure). I'm not always able to stay up but I did last night. It seemed like everything that could go wrong did. My youngest son had gym today and he has to wear his regulation gym uniform. Well due to being sick last week I was very backed up with my laundry. I had to end up washing the uniform last night and hang drying it. Well this morning when we woke up (a little late) the gym uniform was still very wet. This is not the first time this has happened. What I did was (absolutely crazy but when done carefully works!) Because I don't have a dryer I put the uniform very carefully in a warm oven. I check periodically until it is totally dry. It has worked in the past with very little problems (please don't ask my other son about the "very little problems"). Anyway, after making oatmeal, ironing, making lunch I had forgotten about the gym uniform. I was able to get the shirt out in time. Needless to say, the pants weren't so fortunate. The pants got a little burned. Not so bad though. My son kept asking me "Are my pants ready yet?" 'Yeah, fried, dyed and layed to the side' I thought. "Yes sweetie but they're just a little browned in a small area of the pants...okay honey?" I said in a very comforting tone. After the FAQ's (frequently asked questions) section of this fiasco, he accepted my honesty and proceeded to put on the pants once they were cool. It's probably about 8:09am by now and we have to be at school at 8:30am. As I finish up in the kitchen feeling accomplished and resourceful my son screams "My pants are cracked!". OMG, the small browned area of the pants was so dry it actually cracked!! What's a mom to do at 8:15am? I grabbed my clear masking tape and taped that joker up on the inside. After all, taping on the outside would be so tacky. My son looked at me and wanted my opinion in how his pants looked. "It'll do for now baby" I said. He was fine and problem averted. Then, how about a fight breaks out in the bathroom while my two boys are brushing their teeth. All I hear is screaming and crying. I had to scream my lungs out in order for them to stop. You would think the my youngest son wouldn't want to be involved in an altercation right about now with the cracked tapped pants and all, but he did. We were so behind schedule they couldn't eat breakfast at home. They had breakfast on the G.O. which is the acronym for "Get Out". We finally get out the door and I dropped them off. All I could do is exhale as my car clock read 8:28am. Phew! As I pull off I saw the school principal and he comes over to say hello. I noticed he kept looking up at my hair, as I proudly smile since he knows the kids weren't late. He asked if that was a new hair style. As I looked up in my rear view mirror all I saw was this nub of a pony tail. OMG, I forgot to attache my ponytail when we were running out!! I was mortified. I can't imagine what I looked like. As I began to pull off in shear embarrassment I heard a voice screaming "Mom!" I looked in my rear view mirror to see my oldest son running some kind of olympic sprint toward my car before I turned the corner. Turned out he forgot his project that was due today. Oh God, he begged me to go back home and get it. Of course I did because we can't have anything jeopardize Jrs. scholarship next year. After dropping off the project, all I could think was is this a morning hustle or a hassle? I'm so tired and it wasn't even 9:00am yet. I'm too old for this. I can't do this for another couple of years. When I wake up I don't want Hustle or Hassle. I just want to roll over and say "Hey Honey". Is that too much to ask for? Messing around with Ms. Carrie Bradshaw totally jacked me up today!

1 comment:

  1. Now you know a diva should never be caught without her phony pony!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
